Sandiaga Use World Bank Data, Jokowi's Infrastructure Criticism

Jurnal Update. Candidate number 02 vice president Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno again touched on the issue of infrastructure development in the era of President Joko Widodo's leadership.
 Sandi emphasized that infrastructure development is currently not on target. He said the data was strengthened by the World Bank statement.

"Clearly the World Bank has said that the planning and implementation of our infrastructure development is not done well," Sandi said while attending the East Java Dialogue and Silaturrahim of Figures and Entrepreneurs, in Surabaya on Wednesday.

Sandi regretted that the government is now focusing more on development in terms of its physical infrastructure, and ignoring human development.
"The development of our infrastructure is not done well, so that it is ultimately not on target and does not have a good impact on the community," he said.

Meanwhile, the World Bank turned out to provide clarification regarding their study of Indonesia's infrastructure planning and funding process, which was busy becoming a public discussion.
In its clarification the World Bank wants to clarify that the report was completed in 2014 before President Joko Widodo was installed.

"We want to clarify that this report was written in 2014 before President Jokowi was inaugurated," said the World Bank on its official website, Tuesday (1/1).
The World Bank continues the report aims to provide an overview of the state of infrastructure planning and financing at that time and is intended for internal use at the World Bank.

But what is strange, in the World Bank report received by the editor, included the existence of an infrastructure report in Indonesia which was released in June 2018. In it there was a discussion about economic evaluation, including Indonesia's infrastructure in 2017.

In part 3 of the report, for example, it was written that Indonesia runs infrastructure development by state-owned enterprises but does not have a sustainable pattern and actually inhibits private investment.
Previously, Sandi also criticized the government which could actually build infrastructure without burdening the state budget. He also claimed to have worked on several major projects without burdening public money.

Sandiaga Uno promised, if elected with the presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto, he would continue to develop infrastructure in a number of regions with a different approach, namely relying on the partnership sector with the private sector or through long-term budgeting.

Sandiaga also mentioned that it was important to involve the business community and the private sector, and not only BUMNs using the APBN or APBD.

"I have helped build the 116km toll road infrastructure of Cipali, not using state money and burdening the debt for the state and BUMN," said the former DKI Jakarta vice governor after attending the Maulid Nabi in Rantau Prapat Labuhan Batu, Tuesday.

Besides pure private funds, added Sandi, the government can also encourage the strengthening of partnerships between the government and the private sector in the PPP (public private partnership) scheme.
According to Sandi, the PPP or PPP scheme has a legal basis, but currently it has not been maximized in implementation.

"Infrastructure projects with PPP schemes have not been optimized so that many are late to be decided," Sandi said.


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