Sandiaga Want To Make Infrastructure Without Debt, Here's How

Warta Jurnal. Candidate vice president number 02 Sandiaga Uno does not want to depend on debt if elected. He gave an example, one of the projects without debt was the Cikopo-Palimanan (Cipali) Toll Road.
Then how?

Prabowo-Sandiaga BPN member Drajad Wibowo explained, one of which was involving the role of the private sector in the development, known as public private partnership (PPP).
"For the involvement of the private sector, yes the scheme is pure private investment or PPP. Sandi seems to be using his business network to encourage them to enter the infrastructure," he said.

According to him, the experience of Sandi as an entrepreneur made investors confident. Moreover, Sandi felt directly 'bitter' about building infrastructure.

"It's different if those who invite those who are not well-established businessmen with officials like Sandi are already established as top businessmen. Prospective investors are usually more trustworthy and comfortable with public officials like Sandi because Sandi has experienced the battered infrastructure investment. So potential investors believe that the policy will later address various obstacles and the negative side of infrastructure investment. Roughly, not talking or the theory of thok, "he said.

Indeed, PPP schemes already exist today. But he believes that the experience of Sandi as a businessman will be more optimal in utilizing the role of the private sector to enter into government infrastructure projects.

"Yes PPP already exists. What distinguishes it is 'Sandi's business network and investors' trust because Sandi has felt battered himself in infrastructure," he said.


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