Again, Sandiaga Find Tempe as Thin as an ATM in Trenggalek

Nasional Indonesia. In his political safari in Trenggalek, vice president number 02 Sandiaga Uno claimed to also find tempe as thin as ATM in this district.
In front of the residents, Sandiaga joked that the ATM-thin tempeh he found in Trenggalek was in the form of tempeh chips.

"Trenggalek is a city of tempe chips, right? Here is an ATM-thin tempeh here? Yes, this is where you look for ATM-thin tempeh, Tempe Chips, on searching for politicians in Jakarta. Where does it say tempeh is as thin as ATM, then to Trenggaleklah," Sandiaga said before residents of Tumpuk Village, Tugu District and supporters on Thursday.

On this occasion, Sandiaga also held an interactive dialogue with people from various backgrounds, ranging from farmer groups, laborers to millennials.
Sandiaga also accommodates the complaints of the family's economic fighters. Among other things about scarcity of fertilizer, complaints of honorary employees, to the employment status of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN).

"We will improve the development of future employment, so that it can be created well," said Sandiaga. He also claimed to have signed a political contract with several parties before going forward as a vice presidential candidate. In the contract it was stated that Sandiaga stressed that he would make every effort to provide solutions to various problems in the community.

Not only in East Java, Sandiaga often claimed to have found tempe as thin as ATM in various areas he visited while campaigning. According to him, this happened because the price of a number of raw materials continued to increase.


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