BPN: Pilot Support to Prabowo Is Personal, Not on behalf of IPI

Jurnal Hub. Viral videos circulated with the description of 'Prabowo along with the Indonesian pilot flight', then denied by the Indonesian Pilot Association (IPI), which stated that the organization was neutral. According to the BPN Prabowo-Sandiaga, the support of the pilots to Prabowo is personal.

"First, those who came to Pak Prabowo did not act on behalf of IPI, on behalf of pilots' personalities. Many Indonesian pilots, hundreds of times when drawn came to give support to Prabowo and Sandi and not in the name of the IPI organization. Then where's the problem?" said BPN spokesman Prabowo-Sandi, Andre Rosiade,

Andre said each pilot has their own political rights to support one of the candidates. Therefore, according to him, it is only natural that some pilots have expressed their support for Prabowo-Sandi.

"There is no problem if the pilots in Indonesia declare their support for Prabowo-Sandi, do not act on behalf of IPI, then where is the problem? It is the right of every pilot to have the right to express personal support, not in the name of IPI. naturally in this democratic age, "he said.

Meanwhile, contacted separately, BPN Spokesman Prabowo-Sandi, Sodik Mujahid, welcomed the pilots' support to Prabowo-Sandiaga. According to him, support for Prabowo-Sandi is increasing from the middle class and the educated class such as pilots.

"Salute to pilots who have shown their objectivity, intelligence, and honesty by expressing partiality and support for Prabowo," Sodik said.

Sodik argues, the number of organizations that do not determine attitudes regarding support for certain candidates is reasonable, because each individual has the right to vote. "Agreeing with the Chair of IPI that what the pilots said did not conflict with IPI's organizational rules," Sodik said.

Previously reported, General Chairman of the Indonesian Pilot Association (IPI) Rama Noya stressed his organization was neutral in the 2019 Presidential Election. This was conveyed by Rama to address the circulation of videos with the statement 'Prabowo along with Indonesian pilot aviation pilots'.

"Affirming that the Indonesian Pilot Association is a professional professional organization of pilots that is not involved in practical politics," Rama said at a press conference at Graha Dirgantara building, Jl Raya Halim Perdanakusuma, East Jakarta, Wednesday (1/2).


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