
Sandiaga Use World Bank Data, Jokowi's Infrastructure Criticism

Jurnal Update . Candidate number 02 vice president Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno again touched on the issue of infrastructure development in the era of President Joko Widodo's leadership.  Sandi emphasized that infrastructure development is currently not on target. He said the data was strengthened by the World Bank statement. "Clearly the World Bank has said that the planning and implementation of our infrastructure development is not done well," Sandi said while attending the East Java Dialogue and Silaturrahim of Figures and Entrepreneurs, in Surabaya on Wednesday. Sandi regretted that the government is now focusing more on development in terms of its physical infrastructure, and ignoring human development. "The development of our infrastructure is not done well, so that it is ultimately not on target and does not have a good impact on the community," he said. Meanwhile, the World Bank turned out to provide clarification regarding their study of Indonesia's inf...

Sudirman Said's Appointments, Sandiaga Uno Called Central Java Post Starts to Run

Pojok Warta . Candidate vice president number 02 Sandiaga Uno said that the Prabowo-Sandi National Secretariat post in Central Java had begun and would be coordinated by Sudirman Said. Sudirman Said called Sandi will coordinate all activities at the Central Java National Secretariat post with the National Winning Body (BPN). "Yes it has already begun to run, and the BPN will immediately coordinate with Pak Sudirman Said who was appointed as the realization of the post's realization," Sandi said at the Da'wah Council Tower Building, Jalan Kramat Raya, Central Jakarta, Wednesday night. In fact, he claimed that in the near future he would carry out activities at the posts which had now been inaugurated. "I will also have direct activities in Central Java, at the same time synchronized," he said. Furthermore, Sandi also said that he would soon build a post in the East Java region. See also: PKS Submits the Name of the New Cawagub, Anies Doesn't Want to Join ...

Sandiaga Uno Do Not Require Political Parties to Contribute to Presidential Election Campaign Funds

Kolom Fakta . Candidate vice president number 02 Sandiaga Uno said that he never obliged his supporting party to contribute in the form of funds for the Prabowo-Sandi presidential election campaign. "No, it's not mandatory," Sandi was met at the Dakwah Building, Jalan Kramat Raya, Central Jakarta, Wednesday night (2/1). Sandi understood that his coalition party in the presidential election did not contribute funds. Because according to him, the needs of these parties are far greater for legislative elections which are timed together with the presidential election. "They (the party) source of funds are mostly allocated for legislative elections. So for PKS, PAN, Working, and also Gerindra itself, we really understand that the focus of their funding sources is in legislative elections, and we have said that too," Sandi said. During this time, Sandi said, even without giving campaign funds, the coalition party had helped a lot, one of which was by attending several...

Sandiaga Want To Make Infrastructure Without Debt, Here's How

Warta Jurnal . Candidate vice president number 02 Sandiaga Uno does not want to depend on debt if elected. He gave an example, one of the projects without debt was the Cikopo-Palimanan (Cipali) Toll Road. Then how? Prabowo-Sandiaga BPN member Drajad Wibowo explained, one of which was involving the role of the private sector in the development, known as public private partnership (PPP). "For the involvement of the private sector, yes the scheme is pure private investment or PPP. Sandi seems to be using his business network to encourage them to enter the infrastructure," he said. According to him, the experience of Sandi as an entrepreneur made investors confident. Moreover, Sandi felt directly 'bitter' about building infrastructure. "It's different if those who invite those who are not well-established businessmen with officials like Sandi are already established as top businessmen. Prospective investors are usually more trustworthy and comfortable with public...

Sowan goes to Islamic Boarding School in Sidoarjo, Sandiaga Uno is Increased to Improve the Economy of the People

Fakta Id . After from Larangan Sidoarjo Market, Sandiaga Uno arrived at the Sabilur Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) Rosyad Al Usmani. In the boarding school, Sandiaga got a lecture from the caregiver of the boarding school, KH.Amiruddin Mu'in. KH Amiruddin requested Sandi to improve the economy of the people. Kiai Amiruddin also hopes that in 2019 this vice presidential candidate will be healthy, safe and successful. "Hopefully Mr. Sandi is always healthy, safe and successful and can strengthen the people's economy," said Kiai Amiruddin in his prayer at the boarding school in Sidokumpul Village, Sidoarjo City, Tuesday In his journey to absorb aspirations, Sandi always took the time to stop by at the pesantren and dialogue with the caregivers of the Islamic boarding schools. According to Sandi, some Islamic boarding schools are able to be independent by fulfilling the needs of their santri by utilizing existing land. From vegetables, fish, sugar cane to water, "...

Again, Sandiaga Find Tempe as Thin as an ATM in Trenggalek

Nasional Indonesia . In his political safari in Trenggalek, vice president number 02 Sandiaga Uno claimed to also find tempe as thin as ATM in this district. In front of the residents, Sandiaga joked that the ATM-thin tempeh he found in Trenggalek was in the form of tempeh chips. "Trenggalek is a city of tempe chips, right? Here is an ATM-thin tempeh here? Yes, this is where you look for ATM-thin tempeh, Tempe Chips, on searching for politicians in Jakarta. Where does it say tempeh is as thin as ATM, then to Trenggaleklah," Sandiaga said before residents of Tumpuk Village, Tugu District and supporters on Thursday. On this occasion, Sandiaga also held an interactive dialogue with people from various backgrounds, ranging from farmer groups, laborers to millennials. Sandiaga also accommodates the complaints of the family's economic fighters. Among other things about scarcity of fertilizer, complaints of honorary employees, to the employment status of the State Civil Apparatu...

Head of Election Criminal Village Head Held by Sandiaga, Wife: I Am Enthusiastic

Pojok Id . The wife of the village head of Sampangagung, Kutorejo Yuli Irawati (33), said she was happy because her husband, who was now in Lapas Klas IIB Mojokerto, was visited by Vice President Sandiaga Uno. Spiritual support from Sandiaga for her husband is also contagious to her. The mother of two said her husband was in good health. Yuli admitted that every day he visited Suhartono since the Sampangagung village head was detained in Klas IIB Lapas Mojokerto, Jalan Taman Siswa, Mojokerto City on December 19, 2018. Every visit, he did not forget to bring her husband's favorite meal, which is processed from chicken. "Every time they visit the children, they always come along. These children must not enter because there are already too many people," Yuli told reporters at the Mojokerto prison on Wednesday. Yuli's visiting routine this time is special. Because, he visited Suhartono with Sandiaga, the vice president who had been supported by her husband. "I added ...

Head of Supporting Village: Sandiaga Do Not Loosen, When Visiting Sandiaga

Liputan Net . Vice Chancellor Sandiaga Uno claimed to have received encouragement from the Village Head (Kades) of Sampangagung, Kutorejo, Suhartono whom he held in Lapas Klas IIB Mojokerto. Sandiaga was asked not to loose during the campaign for victory in the 2019 Presidential Election. Sandiaga said, for about 25 minutes face to face with Suhartono in the prison, he gave enthusiasm to the village head of Sampangagung. He asked Kades, who was familiarly called Nono, to be plague and to pray a lot during his sentence in the Mojokerto prison. "The Lurah was steadfast, there were many prayers. The village head said it was difficult to sleep, it was difficult to eat. Yes, what was the name of a six-room room," said Sandiaga in Mojokerto prison, Jalan Taman Siswa, Mojokerto city on Wednesday. Sandiaga claimed to also give enthusiasm to Head of Nono. On the occasion of the meeting, he actually got back spirit support from the village head who faithfully supported it. "The vi...

Ahead of the Presidential Election, Sandiaga Uno Ask Volunteers to Assure Voters of Swing Voters

Id Nasional . Vice President number 02 Sandiaga Uno gave debriefing to Healthy Network volunteers Prabowo-Sandi (Jaspadi). Passwords ask volunteers to convince voters who have not made a choice. "I leave a message for all Jaspadi. ​​First, we want to win this, we have to work hard, right?" said Sandiaga to Jaspadi volunteers at the Da'wah Council building, Jl Kramat Raya, Central Jakarta, Wednesday. Sandi asked Jaspadi volunteers to focus on convincing people who have not made a swing voters to choose Prabowo-Sandiaga's partner. From the data he has, Sandi said there are still 25 percent of Indonesians who have not made a choice. "So there is still one in four people who have not made a choice. See which choices can be changed, where are they? They are on average in Java: West Java, Central Java, and East Java," said Sandiaga. "There are three main provinces. In Sulawesi, in South Sulawesi. Sumatra is in North Sumatra. That is a concentration that we mu...

BPN: Pilot Support to Prabowo Is Personal, Not on behalf of IPI

Jurnal Hub . Viral videos circulated with the description of 'Prabowo along with the Indonesian pilot flight', then denied by the Indonesian Pilot Association (IPI), which stated that the organization was neutral. According to the BPN Prabowo-Sandiaga, the support of the pilots to Prabowo is personal. "First, those who came to Pak Prabowo did not act on behalf of IPI, on behalf of pilots' personalities. Many Indonesian pilots, hundreds of times when drawn came to give support to Prabowo and Sandi and not in the name of the IPI organization. Then where's the problem?" said BPN spokesman Prabowo-Sandi, Andre Rosiade, Andre said each pilot has their own political rights to support one of the candidates. Therefore, according to him, it is only natural that some pilots have expressed their support for Prabowo-Sandi. "There is no problem if the pilots in Indonesia declare their support for Prabowo-Sandi, do not act on behalf of IPI, then where is the problem? I...

Prabowo-Sandi Campaign Fund Donations Greater than Jokowi-Ma'ruf

Jurnal Fakta . The KPU has closed the Report on the Acceptance of Campaign Funds Contributions (LPSDK) for the 2019 Election. It was recorded that the two candidate-vice presidential candidate candidates had also submitted the LPSDK. Based on data provided by KPU on Wednesday, the campaign fund donations reported by candidate number 01 candidate Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin were recorded at Rp.44,086,176,801. While the candidate pair 02 Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno was Rp. 54,050,911,562. Previously, the LPSDK 01 candidate pair was conducted by the Jokowi-Ma'ruf National Campaign Team (TKN). The total funds reported were Rp. 55.9 billion. "The LADK at that time amounted to Rp. 11.9 billion, then the report of the two activities for the period September 23, 2018 to January 1, 2019 was Rp. 44.8 billion, so that a total of Rp. 55.9 billion," said Treasurer of Jokowi-Ma'ruf TKN, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, at the KPU office, Jl Imam Bonjol, Central Jakarta. Trenggono said the ...

KPU Wonder There Are Issues 7 Containers Ballots Already Broken

Kolom Media . KPU checked the news about seven ballot containers that had been cast in Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta. KPU said that at this time his party had not yet done the ballot printing. "It just hasn't been printed. The process of printing the ballot is still in the auction process, not yet up to print," said KPU commissioner Hasyim Asy'ari at the KPU office, Jl Imam Bonjol, Central Jakarta on Wednesday. Hasyim also questioned whose ballots were reported to have been cast. According to him, those who know at this time can report the incident to related parties. "The KPU has not printed a ballot, if anyone has printed it, whose ballot?" said Hasyim. "If it's like this, just report to the Bawaslu with the police and show where the container is so that it can be traced," he continued. At present the KPU RI is checking the news regarding seven ballot containers that have been cast off in Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, tonight. This arrival is ...

Timses: Prabowo-Sandi Ready to Read the Quran Test if the KPU Holds

Lensa Aktual . The National Winning Body (BPN) Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno said his stretcher candidates were also ready to meet the Koran reading test invitation from the Aceh Dai Association. But Prabowo-Sandi will only be present if the test is held by the KPU. "Prabowo-Sandi and BPN are ready to take the Koran reading test, but we return it to the KPU. If the KPU holds, yes we are ready. We return to the applicable rules," said BPN spokesman Prabowo-Sandi, Andre Rosiade, when asked for confirmation , Wednesday. Andre said Prabowo-Sandi's performance obeyed the rules. He mentioned that Prabowo-Sandi did not want to take part in activities that were not in accordance with KPU regulations (PKPU) and the Act. "We just followed and obeyed the Act. We also from the beginning committed not to play SARA issues, now we are focusing on economic issues. But we are ready to read the Koran as long as the KPU conducts and complies with the applicable law," said the Geri...

If according to KPU Rules, Sandiaga is Ready to Take the Quran Reading Test

Buletin Digital . Vice President Sandiaga Uno said he was ready to follow the Koran reading test invitation from the Aceh Dai Association. Sandiaga said he would take the test if the invitation was in accordance with KPU rules. "For example, the KPU determines that it must be done in Aceh, so we follow it in accordance with KPU regulations," Sandiaga told reporters at the Da'wah Council building, Jalan Kramat Raya, Central Jakarta, Wednesday. It is known, the invitation was given by the Aceh Dai Association to the presidential candidate candidates for vice president to take a test to read the Koran on the Land of Rencong. The password was in line with the response of the National Winning Body (BPN) Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga. In line with Sandi, BPN said Prabowo-Sandi would only be present if the test was held by the KPU. "Prabowo-Sandi and BPN are ready to take the Koran reading test, but we return it to the KPU. If the KPU holds, yes we are ready. We return to the ...

Sandiaga about the News 7 Ballot Containers: Let the Apparatus Work

Channel Nasional . Vice President number 02 Sandiaga Uno responded to the news that seven containers containing ballots that had been cast in Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, were circulating in the WhatsApp group. Password handed over the matter to the authorities. "I don't want suudzon. I let the apparatus team work," Sandiaga told reporters at the Da'wah Council building, Jalan Kramat Raya, Central Jakarta, Wednesday. Sandi is reluctant to respond further to this matter. However, he considered that it could make people not believe in the ongoing election process. "Earlier it was also asked at some point that there was a sense of mistrust of the community because honest, fair elections. That was the hope of the whole community. We don't want any activities that hurt honest, fair democratic elections. That's our hope," Sandi said. Previously, this news was also informed through the Democratic Party Secretary General Andi Arief on his Twitter account. A...